Gary and MaryAnn Carlson Art Gallery
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Found Object Sculptures by Gary
Large Wall Sculptures by Gary
Medium Wall Sculptures by Gary
Floor & Table top Sculptures by Gary
Small Wall Sculptures by Gary
Found Object Sculptures by MaryAnn
Jewelry by MaryAnn
Photos & Cards
Street Photography 1
Street Photography 2
Collage Art
Gary Carlson's Resume' pg 1
Gary Carlson Resume' pg 2
MaryAnn Carlson's Resume' pg 1
MaryAnn Carlson's resume' pg2
Artist Statements
Vintage Finds
Street Photography
Al13,Cr24 and Shiny Bird, $2000, 29h 31v 4d, found object assemblage sculpture
Symbiosis, $2000, 23v 39h 3.5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Lumberjack Waltz, $2400, 24h 61v 4d, found object assemblage sculpture
Moonstruck Mystic, $1800, 15.5h 33.5v 4d, found object assemblage sculpture
Midnight Music Mime, $4000, 26h 38v 16d, found object assemblage sculpture
GMO B.U.G. OMG, $1200, 19h 20v 7d, Found Object Assemblage Sculpture
GMO B.U.G.OMG $1200 Found Object Assemblage Sculpture
GMO B.U.G. OMG side $1200 Found Object Assemblage Sculpture
Road Trip, $1800, 36h 27v 4d, found object assemblage sculpture
Road Trip, detail, found object assemblage sculpture
What's Good for the Goose, 52.5h 35v 14.5d, $3400 found object assemblage sculpture
What's Good for the Goose, detail, found object assemblage sculpture
What's Good for the Goose, detail, found object assemblage sculpture
Balance of Nature, $3000, found object assemblage sculpture
Best Laid Plans, $1400, 22.5h 17v 3d found object assemblage sculpture
Fourteen, $950 found object assemblage sculpture
Hot Seat, $1400, 12h 30v 4.75d, found object assemblage sculpture
Hubris, $1800 found object assemblage sculpture
Whimsical Woods, $1500, 25.5h 47v 12d, found object assemblage sculpture
New Easy, $2500, 27h 51v 5.5d, found object assemblage sculpture
OMG, $2500, 27h 51v 5.5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Moonrise Memories, $1500, 45h 11.5v 4d, found object assemblage sculpture
Passage Forest to Farm, $2700, 58h 18v 3.34d, found object assemblage sculpture
Pluto's Plan, $1500, 40h 55v 11d, found object assemblage sculpture
Thunder Bird, 18h 18v 16d, found object assemblage sculpture
Not in Oz Anymore, $1200, 29h 29.25v x3d, found object assemblage sculpture
Wapati Moonrise, $800, 9h 30v 3d, found object assemblage sculpture
Wild Hare, $1500, 25h 16v 6d, found object assemblage sculpture
Worlds Collide, $900, 6&6.25h 20.25v 2.34d, found object assemblage sculpture
XO, $1700, 22h 31v 6d, found object assemblage sculpture
Reclamation, $1500, 24h 48v 7d, found object assemblage sculpture
Red Eye, $1500, a 24h 48v 7d, found object assemblage sculpture
Sky Chief, $800, 15.25h 60v 4.75d, found object assemblage sculpture
Sky Chief, detail, found object assemblage sculpture
Special 44, $900, 15.75h 21.5v 4d, found object assemblage sculpture
The Real Question, $1500, 20h 50.5v 5.5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Tipping W, $800, 16.75h 63v 4.75d, found object assemblage sculpture
Tipping W, detail, found object assemblage sculpture
If Man Were Meant to Fly, $1500, 13h 26v 23.5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Two Moose La Trek, $1200, 15.5h 16.5v 10.5d & 15.5h 15.5v 7d, found object assemblage sculpture
Two Moose La Trek, detail, found object assemblage sculpture
Two Moose La Trek, detail, found object assemblage sculpture
The Thing of it is..., detail, found object assemblage sculpture
The Thing of it is..., $1800, 37.5h 24v 5d, found object assemblage sculpture
What Goes Around, $1800 found object assemblage sculpture
Happy, $1200, 22h 17v 4.5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Pipe Dreams, $650, 15h 18v 3d, found object assemblage sculpture
Writers Block, $900, 14h 12v 4.75d, found object assemblage sculpture
Blue Bow, $2800, 25h 62.5v 6d, found object assemblage sculpture
One Hundred Years from Someone, $1800, 26h 28v 7.5d, found object Assemblage Sculpture
It Doesn't Ring a Bell, $1100, 10w 46h 6d, found object Assemblage Sculpture, Gary & MaryAnn Carlson
Challenge $900, 11w 20h 3d, found object assemblage sculpture
Orion Fretted, $900, 45w 26.5h 4d, found object assemblage sculpture
Dog and Pony Show A, $1600, found object assemblage sculpture
Dog and Pony Show B, found object assemblage sculpture
Seventh Heaven $2500, 29h 19v 9d, found object assemblage sculpture
Seventh Heaven $2500 found object assemblage sculpture
Seventh Heaven $2500 found object assemblage sculpture
Seventh Heaven $2500 found object assemblage sculpture
The Future's Past - front, found object assemblage sculpture $1200
Pilot"s Cross, $650, 13h 24v 4d, found object assemblage sculpture
Springtime in the Garden detail $1800 found object assemblage sculpture
Springtime in the Garden front, $1800, 32h 32.5v 12d, found object assemblage sculpture
Springtime in the Garden back $1800 found object assemblage sculpture
Existential Dilemma, $2700 found object assemblage sculpture
Existential Dilemma, $2700, 49h 22v 10d, found object assemblage sculpture
Galactic Fireball Blaster gun detail, $1500 found object assemblage sculpture
Quicksilver Galactic Fireball Blaster, $1500, 15.5v x 16.5d x 10.25h, found object assemblage sculpture
Silver Wing $950 12h 22v 3D Found Object Assemblage Sculpture
X's 5 = , $1400, 20h 47v 5d, found object assemblage sculpture
X's 5 = , detail $1400 found object assemblage sculpture
Flying Eight Ball, side $1800, 19h 45.5v 32d, found object assemblage sculpture
Flying Eight Ball front $1800 found object assemblage sculpture
Buckaroo, $850. 20h 27v 5d, Found Object Assemblage Sculpture
After a Poem, $2000, 39h,24v,5d, Found Object Assemblage Sculpture
Sea-horse 202, $1500, 18.5h 26v 4d, Found Object Assemblage Sculpture
Beast of Burden, Found Object Assemblage Sculpture, 26h 78v 11d, $3500
Stolen Stars, $2500, 16.5w 58.5h 3.75d, found object assemblage sculpture
Stolen Stars top detail , $2500, 16.5h 58.5v 3.75d, found object assemblage sculpture
Stolen Stars mid detail, $2500, 16.5w 58.5h 3.75d, found object assemblage sculpture
The Scribe's 9 Laments, $1600, 28h 23v 3.5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Claims of Divinity, $1200., 21.5h 18v 4d, found object assemblage sculpture
Baby Come Back, $1700., 23h 30v 6d, found object assemblage sculpture
Zenith, $2700., 25h x 71.5v x 3.5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Royal Crow, $3000, 44"h x 38"v x 4"d, found object assemblage sculpture
Remembering, $1800, 35"v x 27.5"h x 2.75"d, found object assemblage sculpture
Spark, $2700, 25v x 53h x 5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Drink, $3000, 47h 41v 5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Music House, $600, 10.25h 16v 1.25d, found object assemblage sculpture
Plane Face, $1200, 10h x20v x 5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Starlight Blue Duck Arcade, $3400, 32h x 46V x 5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Nature Bites Back, $2000, 32h x 9.5v x 6.25d, found object assemblage sculpture
the Fishermans' Incantation, $SOLD, 12h 60.75v 5d, found object assemblage sculpture
Hedonic Ladder, $1600, 24h 26v 2.75d, found object assemblage sculpture
Sun Sets on the Union Pacific, $3500, 64"h x 33.5"v x 3"d, found object assemblage sculpture